Xavier Martin-Rubió
Xavier Martin-Rubió holds bachelor degrees in English Philology and Audiovisual Communication from Universitat de Lleida, and a master’s degree in European Studies by Maastricht Universiteit and University of Portsmouth. He defended his doctoral dissertation, entitled “Identity construction in 2 bilingual communities: clashing nationalist discourses”, in April 2011. He worked as an English teacher in a high school, two official language academies and two private universities before moving back to Universitat de Lleida. He started working full-time at UdL in December 2014. He has been involved in several competitive projects as a member of CLA, and after a gap of several years, he is publishing again on the internationalization of and EMI in higher education, beliefs and emotions in additional language learning, and fluency and accuracy measurements across tasks.
Ongoing project: Development of Language Ideologies in the training of pre-service English Language Teachers from an ELF perspective (ELFING) PID2022-137554NB-I00
Capítols de llibre/capítulos de libro/book chapters (2018-2024):
- Martin-Rubió, X., & Diert-Boté, I. (2023). “(Dis)fluency and pronunciation accuracy in EMI lectures”. In Dimova, S., Kling, J. and Drljaca Margic, B. (Eds.) EMI Classroom Communication: A Corpus-Based Approach (pp. 36-60). Routledge. ISBN 9781032393148
- Diert-Boté, I., & Martin-Rubió, X. (2022). “A comparison of two lecturers in an EMI context: The interplay between language proficiency and self-concept in the classroom”. In: Recent Advances in second language emotion research (pp. 271-294). Cizur Menor: Civitas Aranzadi.
- Martin-Rubió, X. (2018). Multilingualism across domains. In Martin-Rubió, X. (Ed.), Contextualising English as a Lingua Franca: from data to insights (pp. 1-8). Cambridge Scholars.
Articles/artículos (revisats per parells/revisión por pares/peer-reviewed) (2018-2024):
- Martin-Rubió, X. & Diert-Boté, I. (2023). “I don’t care about the physical appearance in a job”: a multimodal analysis of a challenging episode in the EMI classroom. Journal of English-Medium Instruction. https://doi.org/10.1075/jemi.22012.mar
- Martin-Rubió, X. (2022). La gestió del repertori lingüístic a la classe de tecnologia en anglès: aprenent contingut, llengua i valors. Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, 22, 54-70. https://doi.org/10.2436/20.3007.01.180
- Martin-Rubió, X., & Diert-Boté, I. (2022). Catalan Law and Business Students in Italy: The Impact of a Stay Abroad on Fluency and Accuracy. Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition, 8(1), 35-52.
- Martin-Rubió, X. (2021). Audacity and Praat as pedagogical tools: Analysing fluency and pronunciation accuracy. Philologia,19(1), 37-50.
- Martin-Rubió, X., & Diert-Boté, I. (2021). Investigating learners’affective relationships with their foreign languages: From a motivation to love. Konin Language Studies, 9(3), 353-374.
- Martin-Rubió, X. (2019). Catalan engineering students in Denmark: the impact of an ELF-environment on fluency and self-confidence levels. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 12(2)-2015, 166-186. Handle: 10459.1/66628.
- Martin-Rubió, X., & Cots, J.M. (2018). Self-confidence amongst study abroad students in an ‘English as a lingua franca’ university. Language Awareness, 27(1-2), 96-112.
- Developing Oral Skills in English
- Theory of Communication in English
- English phonetics and phonology
- Analysing Digital Discourse