Iris Solà Cortada
Iris Solà Cortada is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Lleida (UdL). Degree in English Philology (University of Lleida), obtaining a Master’s degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Màster Oficial en Formació del Professorat de Secundària i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyament d’Idiomes, Universitat de Lleida). As an associate lecturer at the University of Lleida since 2019, she teaches on the Bilingual Primary Education Degree at the Faculty of Education. She also supports the coordination of the Official Master’s Degree in Teacher Training and works as a linguistic technician at the Language Institute of the UdL.
Her research interest mainly focuses on analysing the evolution of the cognition and attitudes of preservice English language teachers towards their profession.
Alexandra Vraciu, Anna Marsol, Iris Solà y Montserrat Casanovas. 2022. La competencia reflexiva y la alfabetización evaluadora en la formación inicial de maestros: una propuesta formativa centrada en dinámicas de observación y evaluación entre iguales. En libro de actas: VIII Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Valencia, 6 – 8 de julio de 2022.
Degree in Bilingual Primary Education:
- Digital creativity for English language learning