Sònia Mas-Alcolea
Sònia Mas-Alcolea es profesora lectora en el Departamento de Estudios Ingleses y Alemanes de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Cataluña, España). Obtuvo su doctorado en Lingüística Aplicada en la Universidad de Lleida en 2017. También es miembro del equipo de investigación CLA (Cercle de Lingüística Aplicada), y su trabajo, que adopta un enfoque de análisis del discurso, se ha centrado en la movilidad académica, la identidad, la adquisición de segundas lenguas, la comunicación intercultural y la interculturalidad.
Sònia Mas-Alcolea is member of the Cercle de Lingüística Aplicada (UdL) and of the following research projects:
- Project: The global competence of higher education students: A pilot study
- Financial institution: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
- Amount granted: 30.492€
- Duration: 2020-2023
- Project: Interculturality, European Citizenship and English as a Lingua Franca: Policies and Practices in Higher Education International Mobility Programmes (FFI2012-35834)
- Financial institution: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
- Amount granted: 51.480€
- Duration: 2013-2016
Capítols de llibre/capítulos de libro/book chapters (2018-2024):
- Torres-Purroy, H., & Mas-Alcolea, S. (2024). The perpetuation of heteropatriarchal dynamics in scholarly gatekeeping Analysing reviewers’ feedback from the perspective of LGBTQ+ early-career scholars. Novice LGBTQ+ Scholars’ Practices in Writing for Scholarly Publication. Routledge.
- Mas-Alcolea, S., & Llanes, À. (2022). Challenging the Language Learner as the Only Source of Data in Study Abroad Research. In Designing Second Language Study Abroad Research: Critical Reflections on Methods and Data (pp. 211-228). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Torres-Purroy, H., & Mas-Alcolea, S. (2021). Applying the Community of Practice Theory in Higher Education: The Case of the Research Group. In Theory and Method in Higher Education Research (pp. 39-53). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Mas-Alcolea, S., & Torres-Purroy, H. (2021). Shadowing and narrative interviewing combined: The advantages of using an observational method in higher education research. In Theory and Method in Higher Education Research (pp. 161-172). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Mas-Alcolea, S., & Torres-Purroy, H. (2021). Study Abroad and Students'(Lack of) Social Integration: The Case of Spanish Ghettos in Italy. In Language, mobility and study abroad in the contemporary European context (pp. 47-63). Routledge.
- Torres-Purroy, H., & Mas-Alcolea, S. (2019). The Internationalization of Scientists’ Communication: An Essential Literature Review. Internationalizing the Communication Curriculum in an Age of Globalization, 99-112. Routledge.
- Mas Alcolea, S. (2019). Study abroad and students’ discourse on ‘cultural difference’: A longitudinal view. Study abroad, second language acquisition, and interculturality, 46-74.
- Mas-Alcolea, S. (2018). ‘I Thought I Was Prepared.’ERASMUS Students’ Voices on Their Transition from L2 Learners to L2 Users. Second language study abroad: Programming, pedagogy, and participant engagement, 223-255.
Articles/artículos (revisats per parells/revisión por pares/peer-reviewed) (2018-2024):
- Purroy, H. T., & Alcolea, S. M. (2024). La sostenibilitat del català en la recerca a la universitat catalana “internacional”: un estudi de cas. Revista de Llengua i Dret, 69-87.
- Torres-Purroy, H., & Mas-Alcolea, S. (2022). Language policy and multilingualism in semi-peripheral higher education research: Two cases from a University in Catalonia. Linguistics and Education, 71, 101105.
- Mas‐Alcolea, S., & Torres‐Purroy, H. (2022). Discourses of foreign language development in study abroad: Social networks and other intervening factors. Foreign Language Annals, 55(2), 494-516.
- Cots, J. M., Aguilar, M., Mas-Alcolea, S., & Llanes, À. (2016). Studying the impact of academic mobility on intercultural competence: a mixed-methods perspective. The Language Learning Journal, 44(3), 304-322.
Ha impartido cursos en los grados de Filología Inglesa y Periodismo y Estudios de Comunicación, en «Inglés técnico y profesional» e «Inglés para fines específicos».