Àngels Llanes
Àngels Llanes recibió su doctorado en la Universidad de Barcelona y actualmente es profesora en la Universidad de Lleida, España. Su investigación se centra básicamente en el papel de la edad y el contexto de aprendizaje (estancias en el extranjero, instrucción en el país de origen y campamentos de verano) en el desarrollo de la L2. Otros intereses de investigación son los efectos del aprendizaje integrado (AICLE) y del de la lectura en el desarrollo de la L2. y también está interesada en el impacto de Translenguaje en el desarrollo de la L2.
Àngels Llanes es miembro del Cercle de Lingüística Aplicada (UdL) y actualmente pertenece a dos proyectos de investigación, uno coordinado por Enric Llurda y Josep M. Cots (HACIA UNA PERSPECTIVA PLURILINGUE EN LA ENSEÑANZA DEL INGLES COMO LINGUA FRANCA EN LA UNIVERSIDAD) de la UdL y otro coordinado por Elsa Tragant y Raquel Serrano (MAXIMIZANDO EL ROL DEL INPUT EN UNA L2 A TRAVES DE EXPOSICIONES MULTIPLES) de la Universitat de Barcelona.
- Llanes, À., & Cots, J.M. (2020). Measuring the impact of translanguaging practices in TESOL: a plurilingual approach to ESP in higher education. International Journal of Multilingualism, 1-17.
- Pellicer-Sánchez, A., Tragant, E., Conklin, K., Rodgers, M., Serrano, R., & Llanes, À. (2020). Young learners’ processing of multimodal input and its impact on reading comprehension: An eye-tracking study. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
- Llanes, À. (2020). The Impact Of Study Abroad On L2 Spanish Pragmatics Development: A Critical Overview. In C. Félix-Brasdefer & D. Koike, Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics (pp. 485-500), Routledge.
- Borràs-Andrés, J., & Llanes, À. (2020). L2 reading and vocabulary development after a short Study Abroad experience. VIAL,.17, 35-55.
- Llanes, À. (2019). Study Abroad as a context for learning English as an International Language. In M. Howard (Ed.), Study Abroad, Second Language Acquisition and Interculturality: Contemporary Perspectives. Multilingual Matters.
- Borràs-Andrés, J., & Llanes, À. (2019). Re-examining the impact of SA on L2 development: A critical overview. Language Learning Journal.
- Llanes, À. (2018). Reading in English as a Foreign language: Examining differences in reading speed, comprehension, efficacy and L1 cross-linguistic influence across grades. Investigaciones Sobre Lectura, 9, 1-49.
- Pellicer-Sánchez, A., Tragant, E., Conklin, K., Rodgers, M., Llanes, À., & Serrano, R. (2018). L2 reading and reading- while-listening in
multimodal learning conditions: An eye-tracking study. ELT Research Papers, Volume number. London: British Council. - Tragant, E., Llanes, À., & Pinyana, À. (2018). Linguistic and non-linguistic outcomes of a reading-while-listening program for young
learners of English. Reading and Writing. - Llanes, À. (2018). What do we (not) know about the effects of age on L2 development when learning occurs in a study abroad setting? In C. Sanz and A. Morales-Font (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Study Abroad Research and Practice. Routledge, pp. 465-474.
- Llanes, À. (2018). The role of language awareness in a study abroad context. In JM Cots & P. Garrett (Eds.), pp. 275-289. The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness. Routledge. ISBN10: 1138937045.
- Llanes, À., Arnó, E., & Mancho, G. (2016). Is a semester abroad in a non-English speaking country beneficial for the improvement of English? The case of Erasmus students using English as a Lingua Franca. In Block, D. (ed.) Internationalisation policies and practices in Spanish universities: the development of language proficiency, intercultural competence and European citizenship awareness. Special issue of Language Learning Journal, 44 (3) [November 2016].
- Cots, JM., Aguilar, M., Mas, S., & Llanes, À. (2016). Studying the impact of academic mobility on intercultural competence: a mixed-methods perspective. In Block, D. (ed.) Internationalisation policies and practices in Spanish universities: the development of language proficiency, intercultural competence and European citizenship awareness. Special issue of Language Learning Journal, 44 (3) [November 2016]. Language Learning Journal.
- Llanes, À. (2016). The influence of a short study abroad experience on perceived foreign accent: an exploratory study beyond the immediate effects. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education.
- Serrano, R., Llanes, À. & Tragant, E. (2016). Examining L2 development in two short-term intensive programs: «at home» vs. abroad. System, 57, 43-54.
- Tragant, E., Serrano, R., & Llanes, À. (2016). Learning English during the summer: A comparison of two domestic programs for older children. Language Teaching Research.
- Llanes, À., Mora, JC. & Serrano, R. (2016). Differential effects of SA and intensive AH courses on teenagers. INJAL.
- Tragant, E., Marsol, A., Serrano, R., & Llanes, À. (2015). Vocabulary learning at primary school: comparing EFL and CLIL. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
- Llanes, À. & Prieto Botana, G. (2015). Does Listening Comprehension Improve as a Result of a Short Study Abroad Experience? RESLA, 28, 1, 199-212.
- Llanes, À., Tragant, E., & Serrano, R. (2015). Examining the role of learning context and individual differences on L2 development: The case of teenagers. Language Learning Journal.
- Serrano, R. & Llanes, À. (2015). An exploratory study of the role of age and language learning aptitude in a short stay abroad. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 107-126.
- Saladrigues, G. & Llanes, À. (2014). Examining the impact of specificity of L2 exposure and amount of L2 exposure on L2 development in teenagers. Sintagma, 133-145.
- Llanes, À. & Serrano, R. (2014). The effectiveness of classroom instruction ‘at home’ vs. study abroad for learners of English as a foreign language attending primary, secondary school and university. Language Learning Journal.
- Serrano, R., Tragant, E., & Llanes, À. (2014). Summer English courses abroad vs. «at home». English Language Teaching Journal, 68, 4, 397-409.
- Montero, L., Serrano, R., & Llanes, À. (2014). The Role of Learning Context and Age on the Use of L2 Communication Strategies. The Language Learning Journal.
- Muñoz, C. & Llanes, À. (2014). Study Abroad and Changes in Degree of Foreign Accent in Children and Adults. Modern Language Journal, 98, 1, 432-449.
- Llanes, À., Astrid, L., Gallego-Balsà, L. & Mateu, R. (2013). Applied linguistics in the age of globalization. Edicions Universitat de Lleida.
- Llanes, À. & Muñoz, C. (2013). Age Effects in a Study Abroad Context: Children and Adults Studying Aboad and At Home. Language Learning, 63, 1, 63-90.
- Llanes, À. (2012). The short- and long- term effects of a short study abroad experience: The case of children. System, 40, 179-190.
- Llanes, À. (2012). The Impact of Study Abroad and Age on L2 Accuracy Development. In. C. Muñoz (Ed.), Intensive exposure experiences in second language learning (pp. 193-212). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Llanes, À., Tragant, E. & Serrano, R. (2012). The role of individual differences in a study abroad experience: the case of Erasmus students. The International Journal of Multilingualism, 9, 3, 318-342.
- Serrano, R., Tragant, E. & Llanes, À. (2012). A longitudinal analysis of the effects of one year abroad. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 68, 2, 138-163.
- Serrano, R., Llanes, À. & Tragant, E. (2011). Analyzing The Effect Of Context Of Second Language Learning: Domestic Intensive And Semi-Intensive Courses Vs. Study Abroad In Europe. System, 39, 2, 133-143.
- Llanes, À. (2011). «The Many Faces of Study Abroad: An Update on the Research on L2 Gains emerged during a Study Abroad Experience». International Journal of Multilingualism, 3, 189-215.
- Llanes, À. & Serrano, R. (2011). «Length of Stay and Study Abroad: Language Gains in Two versus Three months» RESLA, 24, 95-110.
- Llanes, À. & Muñoz, C. (2009a). “Task-type and oral fluency performance in a study abroad context”. Actes d’AESLA XXVII.
- Llanes, À. & Muñoz, C. (2009b). “A short Stay Abroad: Does it make a difference?”. System, 37, 3, 353-365.
- Gilabert, R.; Barón, J. & Llanes, À. (2009). Manipulating cognitive complexity across task types and impact on learners’ interactional feedback during oral performance. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 47, 367-395.
Àngels Llanes ha impartido varios cursos de grado, como per ejemplo Scientific Writing, Alemán II, English for Business II, English for Tourism III, y Second Language Acquisition, y también Second Language Learning and Teaching a nivel de máster.