Vasi Mocanu
Vasi Mocanu is currently a Lecturer of Catalan Language and Culture at the University of Salamanca. She has been a member of the Cercle de Lingüística Aplicada since 2014. Vasi became a PhD in 2019 and her thesis A Mixed Methods Approach to Identity, Investment, and Language Learning in Study Abroad: The Case of Erasmus Students in Finland, Romania, and Catalonia, which employs a mixed-methods framework to investigate the implications for language and identity in study abroad programs in Northern, Eastern, and Southern Europe was graded with the mark “Outstanding-Cum Laude” and received the international mention. Her research is concerned with multilingualism, identity and diversity in the era of globalization, with an emphasis on language learning processes in situations of mobility.
Her research is concerned with multilingualism, identity, and diversity in the era of globalization, with an emphasis on language learning processes in situations of mobility. Currently, she is working on her doctoral thesis which employs a mixed-methods framework to investigate the implications for language and identity in study abroad programmes in Northern, Eastern, and Southern Europe. In spite of her short academic career, Vasi has already participated in three research projects: Interculturalidad, ciudadanía europea e ingleś como lingua franca: entre las políticas y las prácticas en los programas de movilidad internacional universitaria (MINECO, FFI2012-35834), Hacia una perspectiva plurilingue en la enseñanza del inglés como lingua franca en la universidad” (MINECO, FFI2015-67769P) and #emovix. Emigració juvenil, nous moviments socials i xarxes digitals (RecerCaixa 2014ACUP 00036).
- Llurda, E. & V. Mocanu, (forthcoming) Changing teachers’ attitudes towards English as a lingua franca. In N. Sifakis & N. Tsantila (eds.) ELF for EFL contexts. Multilingual Matters.
- Mocanu, V. & E. Llurda (2017).Les perspectives de migració futura dels i les estudiants que participen en programes de mobilitat universitària internacional. In C. Feixa, J. Ganau, F. Solsona & C. Rubio (eds.) L’emigrant 2.0. Emigració juvenil, nous moviments socials i xarxes digitals. Observatori Català de la Joventut. 171-182.
- Mocanu, V. (2016) Book Review; Kalocsái, Karolina. Communities of Practice and English as a Lingua Franca. A Study of Erasmus Students in a Central European Context. Mouton de Gruyter, 2013. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca5, 1: 207–210.