Josep M. Cots
Josep Maria Cots és professor d’anglès i lingüística aplicada a la Facultat de Lletres de la Universitat de Lleida, on imparteix cursos de pragmàtica, anàlisi del discurs, comunicació intercultural, educació plurilingüe i llengua anglesa. La seva recerca se centra en l’anàlisi aplicada del discurs, l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de llengües estrangeres, el multilingüisme i la competència intercultural. Adopta un enfocament qualitatiu (etnografia sociolingüística i anàlisi del discurs) per estudiar el desenvolupament de la competència multilingüe i intercultural en el context de polítiques lingüístiques específiques a l’educació secundària i terciària. Ha publicat 8 llibres i nombrosos articles de revistes i capítols de llibres. Josep Maria Cots ha estat investigador principal en diversos projectes de recerca finançats competitius. Des de l’any 2002, la seva recerca ha rebut un total de 17 beques de diferents institucions.
- Multilingual policies in educational institutions
- Multilingualism as an individual and a social phenomenon
- Language, culture and identity issues in intercultural encounters
- Internationalisation, linguae francae and minority languages
Llibres/libros/Books (to 2024):
- Garrett, P. & Cots, J.M. (2018). The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness. Routledge.
- Cots, J.M. (2018). Visions de la mobilitat universitària a Catalunya. Publicacions i edicions de la Universitat de Lleida.
Capítols de llibre/capítulos de libro/book chapters (2018-2024):
- Cots, J.M. (2024). Global competence and languages in the internationalization policies of Spanish higher education. In F. Dervin (Ed.), Critical intercultural perspectives on higher education. Characterizing, Critiquing and Unsettling Internationalization. (161-175). Routledge.
- Cots, J.M. & Mir, M. (2024). Questioning in online intercultural exchanges: A critical reflection. In F. Dervin, J. Peng & V. Trémion (Eds.), Interculturality Online. Ideological Constructions and Considerations for Higher Education. (101-122). Routledge.
- Cots, J.M. (Forthcoming). Global competence and languages in the internationalization policies of Spanish higher education. In F. Dervin (Ed.), Critical intercultural perspectives on higher education. Characterizing, Critiquing and Unsettling Internationalization. Routledge.
- Cots, J.M. & Mir, M. (Forthcoming). Questioning in online intercultural exchanges: A critical reflection. In F. Dervin, J. Peng & V. Trémion (Eds.), Interculturality Online. Ideological Constructions and Considerations for Higher Education. Routledge.
- Cots, J.M. & Mancho-Barés, G. (2024). English-medium instruction in higher education in Spain. In K. Bolton, W. Botha & B. Lin (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of English-medium instruction (EMI) in higher education. (204-220). Routledge.
- Cots, J.M. (2022). Going out on a limb? Introducing a plurilingual perspective in a university business English subject. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.), Plurilingual classroom practices and participation: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings. (3-14). Routledge.
- Cots, J.M., Mitchell, R., Beaven, A. (2021). Structure and agency in the development of plurilingual identities in study abroad. In M. Howard (Ed.), Study abroad and the second language learner: expectations, experiences and development. (165-188). Bloomsbury.
- Cots, J.M., Garrett, P. (2018). Language Awareness. Opening up the field of study. In P. Garrett & J.M. Cots (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language awareness. (1-19). Routledge.
Articles/artículos (revisats per parells/revisión por pares/peer-reviewed) (2018-2024):
- Sabaté-Dalmau, M., Cots, J.M., & Frumuselu, A. (2024). The challenges of the Internationalisation of the Curriculum: A pedagogical intervention to promote interculturality and plurilingualism in English-Medium Instruction. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/17501229.2024.2395417
- Mena-Orduña, T., Cots, J. M., & Llanes, À. (2024). Students’ stance towards translanguaging in an EFL oral productive assessment task. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2024.23719
- Soulé, M. V., Vranješ, S., & Cots, J.M. (2023). The context of study abroad: affordances and constraints in the development of plurilingual identity. Language and Intercultural Communication, 23(5), 483-497. https://doi.org/10.1080/14708477.2023.2228284
- Cots, J.M., Gallego-Balsà, L., & Llanes, À. (2022). Promoting translanguaging (or not) in the ESP classroom: An analysis of monoglossic and heteroglossic practices and discourses. System, 107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2022.102795
- Llanes, À., & Cots, J.M. (2020). Measuring the impact of translanguaging in TESOL: A plurilingual approach to ESP. International Journal of Multilingualism, 19(4), 523-538. https://doi.org/10.1080/14790718.2020.1753749
- Gallego-Balsà, L. & Cots, J.M. (2019) Managing the foreign language classroom translingually: the case of international students learning Catalan in a study abroad situation. International Journal of Multilingualism, 16(4), 425-441. https://doi.org/10.1080/14790718.2018.1545020
- Mir, M., & Cots, J.M. (2019). The use of humor in Spanish and English compliments responses: a cross-cultural analysis. HUMOR (International Journal of Humor Research), 32(3), 393-416. https://doi.org/10.1515/humor-2017-0125
- Martin-Rubió, X., & Cots, J. M. (2018). Self-confidence among study abroad students in an ‘English as a lingua franca’ university. Language Awareness, 27(1-2), 96-112. https://doi.org/10.1080/09658416.2018.1435673
- Cots, J.M. (2024). Global competence and languages in the internationalization policies of Spanish higher education. In F. Dervin (Ed.), Critical intercultural perspectives on higher education. Characterizing, Critiquing and Unsettling Internationalization. (161-175). Routledge.
- Cots, J.M. & Mir, M. (2024). Questioning in online intercultural exchanges: A critical reflection. In F. Dervin, J. Peng & V. Trémion (Eds.), Interculturality Online. Ideological Constructions and Considerations for Higher Education. (101-122). Routledge.
- Cots, J.M. & Mancho-Barés, G. (2024). English-medium instruction in higher education in Spain. In K. Bolton, W. Botha & B. Lin (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of English-medium instruction (EMI) in higher education. (204-220). Routledge.
Graduate level:
- Intercultural communication
- Multilingual and intercultural education
Undergraduate level:
- Pragmatics in English
- Discourse analysis applied to English